As promides. Surely I prefer the b/w version but maybe some
will also like this one. Lately I met a - lets just say - a young person
telling me she never watches b/w movies because, well, because
they are not in color.
Well, at least the picture shows my bad taste in choosing colors.
In my defense I have to say the b/w version was always in my mind
so the luminance was much more important than the hue. And e.g.
a white dress would have looked like a wedding dress so it had to
be something else but still quite bright.
The colors (and image maps) are all defined as "real world colors"
and the gray conversion is done by a macro. For the curious, below
is a code snipped how it is done.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#declare MakeGray = on; // b/w or technicolor
#include "CIE.inc" // lightsys must be installed
CIE_GamutMapping(off) // not needed
// must be off in that case, otherwise it would
// compensate for the change in the whitepoint
CIE_ColorSystemWhitepoint(sRGB_ColSys, Daylight2Whitepoint(5250))
// this creates a slighly red color shift and gives
// nice faint sepia tone in the b/w image. Values
#macro Color(R,G,B)
#if (!MakeGray)
// grayscaling for linear color space i.e. gamma = 1.0
#local G = R * 0.3086 + G * 0.6094 + B * 0.0820;
#declare MyTexture = texture {
pigment {rgb Color(0.7, 0.2, 0.1) transmit 0}
finish {ambient 0 diffuse 1 specular 0.4}
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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